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Welcome to my blog!! Thank you for coming to visit and read my ramblings about loving learning and teaching. I hope you can find something you like and can use in your own classrooms! Happy Blogging!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Potty Training Special Needs students

I mentioned in my introduction that I am a Special Education teacher. While I love my job, I sometimes face different situations than general education teachers. One of the most difficult situations I have been faced with is potty training students. Since I am not a mom yet I can say that I don't know how difficult it is to potty train a child but I do know how difficult it is to work with an older student that struggles with bathroom situations. While trying to find a solution to this problem I came across a blog that introduced me to this wonderful creation.
The Potty watch. This watch is originally made for those little ones that are learning to potty by themselves but on the blog where I found this wonderful creation it suggested to use these watches for students with special needs. This watch will play a little tune every 30, 60, or 90 minutes to remind the child they need to go to the restroom. It is also only $12. I decided to give it a try. I talked up my students new watch for about a week hoping to excite them about their new device they would get to wear. We have had the Potty Watch at school for about three weeks now and it has been wonderful!  We are going on two weeks of no accidents!!  It is wonderful. You can find the potty watch online or at Target. I hope that this will help you with any potty troubles you may be having at home or school.

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