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Welcome to my blog!! Thank you for coming to visit and read my ramblings about loving learning and teaching. I hope you can find something you like and can use in your own classrooms! Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Class Dojo (classroom management tool)

Classroom management, the most important thing I learned about when I became a teacher. I feel like classroom management is not something that you can learn while sitting as a student in your college classes. It is something that has to be learned first hand, in the classroom, every year.  Your classes change, your students change, therefore your classroom management will sometime need to change. The most important thing I learned about classroom management is that positive reinforcement is a teacher's best friend. I came across this website my first year of teaching and it became one of my favorite classroom management tools. It is called Class Dojo and it is user friendly and wonderful. It is a website and/or iPad app that allows teachers to give students their very own virtual monster. The student's monsters can lose or earn daily based on their behavior. The kids love it! They love to have their own personal monster but they also love that they can earn points for being good and doing the right thing. The program offers tons of teacher resources from introduction videos for students to letter and presentations about the program for parents. It keeps up with all the data throughout the year and can be used for end of the year meetings with parents. Check out this great, free resource here Class Dojo.

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