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Welcome to my blog!! Thank you for coming to visit and read my ramblings about loving learning and teaching. I hope you can find something you like and can use in your own classrooms! Happy Blogging!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kid President"s "20 Things We Should Say More Often"

I was introduced to the Kid President this year by a fellow teacher and I am so very thankful that I was. The Kid President shares so many great videos that inspire kids and adults to be better people. This video is a list of his 20 things that we should say more often. A fellow teacher at my school linked this video to our 7 Habits that we practice at my school. She walked through each item on his list with her students and asked them which Habit they thought it fell under. (Such a great idea!!!) If you aren't familiar with the 7 Habits of Happy Kids you can find a link to the website here. I like to show this video to my students every now and them to remind them of how we should be kind to each other and how they can choose to add these things to their daily life. I hope you enjoy the Kid President as much as my students and I have. You can find a link to his website here. Enjoy!

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