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Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Friday and Hairy Money

Counting coins was one of the hardest things to get my special education students to understand. Switching between counting by 5s, 10s, 25s, and 1s was just to much for them to handle sometimes. Thankfully I was taught a fabulous way to teach counting coins, Hairy Money.
My Anchor Chart
Let me start by showing you the anchor chart that accompanies this lesson. Above you will find my Money chart. Each hair that a coin receives is worth 5 cents. A quarter is worth 25 cents so it has five hairs, a dime is worth 10 cents so it has two hairs, a nickel is 5 cents so it just gets one hair, but poor penny is doesn't get any. While my students are memorizing the value and names of each coin they are also learning how many hairs they each get. We practice drawing hairs on sets of coins many times before we begin counting the hairs. This is also a great way to practice the kids' counting by 5's skills. I also like to practice with quarters, dimes, and nickels for a while before we throw in pennies. This method of counting money really works well with my students because they only have to focus on counting by 5's to find their answer.

I found this GREAT chart on Pinterest today!! I think I will be revamping my chart this weekend!  One of my students is obsessed with who is on each coin, so he will love to be able to see their names. They also give their penny a dot.

Much better anchor chart!!

Hope you can find this helpful the next time you are teaching counting coins!
Happy Friday!!

Thanks for visiting!!

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