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Welcome to my blog!! Thank you for coming to visit and read my ramblings about loving learning and teaching. I hope you can find something you like and can use in your own classrooms! Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Using Tagxedo in the Classroom

Happy Tuesday!!
My last post was about a wonderful new unique way to display quotes, thoughts, words, and even more, called Tagxedo. Tagxedo is a fun way to have students display their work in the classroom as well. If you are reading a book and you would like your students to write a summary or describe a character, Tagxedo would be an innovative way to do that. Your students can type in their words for the assignment and then make the Tagxedo in any shape. If your students are writing poems for English, Tagxedo is a creative way for them to show their finished product. All those vocabulary words that you hope your students learn can be put into a Tagxedo and displayed around your classroom. The possibilities are endless. Whether you use Tagxedo in your classroom or in your personal life, it is a creative and fun way to display words. Check it out and make your own: Tagxedo.

Dr. Seuss Tagxedo

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